Sculpting Techniques

Applying Brass Sheets for Waste Molding – Initial Stage

In the initial stage of waste molding, a thin brass sheet is carefully applied to the opening area of the mold. This process is crucial for ensuring a clean separation between the mold and the casting material, while also reinforcing the structure for precise demolding.

Second Stage of Waste Molding: Applying the First Layer of Plaster onto the Clay Original

In this process, carefully pour the plaster (which has been dissolved in water) onto the surface of the clay model. Important points to watch out for include ensuring there are no lumps left in the plaster and being able to distinguish it from the second layer of plaster. In my case, I add a small amount of pigment for easy identification.

Third Stage of Waste molding.

The second layer of plaster is soaked in sisal hemp and covers the entire mold. The thickness should be as even as possible to less than 1 cm. This is because this mold will be broken at the end, and if it is thicker than necessary, the work inside may be destroyed during the indexing process.

Third Stage of Waste molding.

The second layer of plaster is soaked in sisal hemp and covers the entire mold. The thickness should be as even as possible to less than 1 cm. This is because this mold will be broken at the end, and if it is thicker than necessary, the work inside may be destroyed during the indexing process.